Once Human Builds
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Best Once Human builds for PVE and PVP: Shrapnel, Power Surge, Frost Vortex, and more

An outfit for every occasion.

With the vast array of deviations, weapons, perks, and mods available in Once Human, making your perfect build takes time. However, using these various builds for PvP and PvE should make your time in Once Human a little more streamlined.

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Best PvE Once Human builds

A decent PvE build in Once Human needs to be a jack of all trades, ready to take down grunts and bosses with equal ease. A lot of these builds are going to take quite some time to get together. However, with some time and a very well-put-together guide, picking up the pieces won’t take any time at all.

Once Human Burn build

This build actually focuses on the enormous critical damage available with the burn build in Once Human. Rather than focusing on burn over time, this works on the crit chance and damage results.

Primary WeaponDual FuryFlame Resonance
Secondary WeaponRecurve CrossbowVulnerability Amplifier
MeleeFrozen Northern PikeMelee Amplifier
HelmetLonewolf HoodDeviation Expert
FaceSheltered MaskBlaze Amplifier
GlovesDrifter GauntletsBlaze Amplifier
ShoesRenegadeSlow and Steady
Tops RenegadeFlame Resonance
BottomsShelteredAbnormal Increase
DeviantPyro Dyno

Once Human Frost Vortex build

Weapons Mods And Attachments Once Human build
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Freeze your enemies while healing yourself. The Frost Vortex build is excellent against big boss enemies in Once Human, feeding you health while draining theirs.

Primary WeaponKAM-Abyss GlanceVortex multiplier
Secondary WeaponDE.50 Wildfire Vulnerability Amplifier
MeleeFrozen Northern PikeFrosty Blessing
HelmetSheltered HatDeviation Expert
FaceSheltered MaskLingering Frost
GlovesShelteredElemental Overload
ShoesLonewolf BootsCovered Advance
Tops Frost Tactical VestFlame Resonance
BottomsSheltered PantsPrecision Charge
DeviantPolar Jelly

Power Surge build

This power surge build in Once Human can top out at around 100,000 DPS without any buffs. If you decide to run this in PvP or PvE, you’ll be handing out some serious assault. This is the perfect all-rounder for both playstyles. The periodic surge of damage is raised with the gear and mods.

Primary WeaponMPS7 – Outer SpaceStatic Shock
Secondary WeaponAWS.338 – Bingo Vulnerability Amplifier
MeleeThe Stun BatonShock Diffusion
FaceMayfly Sheltered
GlovesShelteredStatus Enhancement
ShoesLone WolfCovered Advance
Tops ShelteredRejuvenating
BottomsShelteredStatus Amplification
DeviantLonewolf’s Whisper

Best PvP Once Human Builds

Securement Silo Ex1 Once Human Prison build
Image: MMO Wiki


Nothing breaks up your gunplay in PvP more than having to reload. With this Shrapnel build in Once Human, you should rarely have to reload while maintaining high damage and pinpoint accuracy. Again, this is a build that is a perfect hybrid whether you’re running boss dungeons or facing off against PvP opponents.

Primary WeaponSOCR – The Last ValorShrapnel Souvenir
Secondary WeaponRecurve CrossbowVulnerability Amplifier
MeleeFrozen Northern PikeMelee Amplifier
HelmetBeret Momentum Up
FaceLonewolfShrapnel Carnage
GlovesBastille Bastille
ShoesLonewolfSlow and Stead
Tops Lonewolf Munitions Amplifier
BottomsLonewolf Deadshot
Deviant Lonewolf’s Whisper

Unstable Bomber

The reason this Jaws Unstable Bomber build works so well in PvP Once Human gameplay is the accuracy and huge single-bullet damage. With the tight aiming of a pistol and some devastating shots, enemies will be destroyed in only a few well-placed shots. The Unstable Bomber build makes every other show explosive, turning heads into pink mist.

Primary WeaponDE.50 – JawsReckless Bomber
Secondary WeaponAWS.338 – BullseyeVulnerability Amplifier
MeleeLong AceMelee Amplifier
HelmetLoneWolfMomentum Up
FaceLoneWolfPoint Detonation
GlovesLonewolfCrit Boost
ShoesLonewolfSlow and Steady
Tops Shaman VultureCrit Damage Enhancement
DeviantFestering Slime

Doom Bringer Once Human build

Jaws Unstable Bomber Pvp Once Human build
Image: YouTube CookiestMonster

For huge crit and weak spot damage in Once Human PvP, you can’t get much better than this Doombringer build. With its lightning-fast reload and ability to use either sniper or pistol as a secondary, it covers a lot of bases. This is a run-and-gun style build for dealing a lot of damage very fast.

Primary WeaponDBSG – DoombringerVulnerability Amplifier
Secondary WeaponAWS.338 – Bullseye or Desert EagleMunitions Amplifier
MeleeThe Fabled MasamuneMelee Amplifier
HelmetRenegadePrecision Strike
FaceRenegadeTargeted Strike
GlovesBastilleWeakspot Damage
ShoesOld HuntsmanSlow and Stead
Tops BastilleWeakspt Damage Boost
BottomsBastilleUnstoppable Precision
DeviantFestering Slime

Whatever build you end up using, you need to make sure it works for you. The great thing about Once Human is all the builds can be just as good as the last with the right practice. There is something for everyone.

For me, the Untoppable Bomber build is perfect, along with the Frost Vortex build for PvE. I like to deal large amounts of damage in short bursts when playing against other players, but I need something that will feed me health when fighting bosses.

The best thing to do is spend some time giving each one of these a try. Then, once you figure out which one is for you, you can focus on that for the new seasons. As the game goes on and the seasonal wipes happen, knowing which build works for you will streamline the process of putting together your ultimate player.

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Image of Leo Gillick
Leo Gillick
Leo is a Freelance Writer for PC Invasion. He has a degree in English Literature and Film Studies and more hours buried into videogames than he cares to admit. He has worked extensively in the Videogame and Travel writing industry but, as they say, get a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. He uses his writing as a means to support indefinite global travel with the current five year plan seeing him through Latin America.