Bounties In Cat Quest 3
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All wanted poster bounty boss locations in Cat Quest 3 and how to defeat them

Taking names.

If you head into the Tavern on Rest Beacon, you will find a whole wall of bounties to complete in Cat Quest 3. Defeating these various enemies around the map is a great way to get some solid upgrades and, of course, Mama Milkers’ undying appreciation. Here is where you can find each bounty in Cat Quest 3 and a few tips on how to beat them.

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All bounties in Cat Quest 3

The various bosses are dotted around the map in Cat Quest 3. They are well worth hunting down, not just for the rewards but also for the gear you will receive for taking each one down. The order of the posters dictates just how difficult each one is, so don’t expect to be taking down Duck of Doom straight away.

Once you have defeated one, make sure to head back to the tavern to collect your rewards.

All Bounty Locations Cat Quest 3
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1. The Boar King

You will find this enemy right in the middle of Purrvana. He guards the large gate in the middle. As a boss, he is relatively simple to beat. Just be aware of his charging attack. This attack will strike twice, so make sure to roll out of the way of both. His ground slam is also easy to avoid, as it has been telegraphed for so long. Don’t rush, and remember to roll.

This will usually be the first bounty you come across simply by playing the game. Once you have killed him, return to the Inn to collect your first reward.

Defeating this bounty will award you the Boar Tusk and Magma Fireball as well as the bounty reward.

2. Ice Pi-Rat

The Ice Pi-Rat country can be found in the Ice Mage Hideout east of Straits Island. You will need to make your way through his castle to the top. Make sure to pick up all his chests along the way; they contain his entire armor set and weapons.

To beat the Ice Pi-Rat, simply pay attention to his slow-moving ice spells. He will rise into the air and cast orbs down at you, which can be easily rolled away. Wait until Pi-Rat drops down, and then attack.

Once you have defeated this bounty in Cat Quest 3, you will receive his full armor set, his ice spell, and the ice wand.

3. Oinker Chief

Oinker Chief resides in the Centauri Ruins on the West of the map. Work your way through his dungeon, picking up various chests along the way. Once you reach the end, you will face off against the Oinker Chief.

Oinker Cat Quest 3 Bounties
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This bounty can cause some problems if you’re impatient in Cat Quest 3. He has one rolling attack that cannot be blocked or dodged. Once you see him launch into the air, run to the far side of the arena. This roll can be slowed with ice or lightning, but stay as far back as you can. Simply unload into Oinker Chief during the long cooldowns and keep your distance when it attacks.

Defeating this bounty in Cat Quest 3 will give you the Oinker armor set, shield, necklace, and ship upgrades.

4. Clawford

Clawford has a whole quest attached to his bounty. You will need to begin it by visiting the Lovepurr Castle on Lovepurr islands in the east of the map. Here, you can begin the quest to speak to and fight Clawford. Throughout the quest, you will have to clear three dungeons and collect the various parts of his story.

Once you have collected the full story, it’s time to fight Clawford. It is not a difficult fight. Simply keep your distance when he strikes and move in during the cooldown period. I found fire damage to be especially effective, using both the fire wand and fireballs to do damage from range.

This bounty rewards the full Clawford armor set, two shield weapons, and two spells in Cat Quest 3.

5. Fire Pi-Rat

This bounty can be found in the Fire Pi-Rat Hideout in the Sunset Isles. Like the Ice Pi-Rat, you simply need to work through the castle, and fight the Pi-Rat at the end. Like his icy counterpart, this is a case of simply avoiding the slow-moving fire spells and waiting for an opening to strike. Make sure you dodge roll through the attacks, as they can quickly dwindle your health down.

Completing this bounty will award the fire mage set, the Fire Purrism spell, and the fire wand.

6. Dratula

The 8-bit dungeon in the west of the Sunset Islands is home to Dratula. Make your way through his castle, picking up the various chests. Once you come to fight him, just be ready to roll. He only has two attacks, both with a sword and both very telegraphed.

The first attack flies into the air and sweeps down, and the second stabs down directly. Both are signaled by his flashing. Simply roll out of the way and attack in between.

You will receive the Dratula armor set for this and the Bloodsucker sword, which gives life back for damage done.

7. Necromouser

Head to the Twin Castles in the southwest of the map to find the Necromouser bounty. This castle requires swapping backward and forward to unlock the various gates and work your way up to the top. Once at the top, you will find the next Cat Quest 3 bounty. Make sure you pick up all the chests along the way.

As with most enemies, this one will fly up into the air and telegraph by flashing before unleashing magic spells. It is an easy enemy to dodge. Just take time to roll from the falling orbs. Once the Necromouser has finished its attack, it’s time to strike.

Completing this bounty will award you with the Necropawnicon, and Arcane Wand.

8. Meowtallica

First, with your ship, defeat Meowtallica on the high seas. He is located Southeast of Purrvaia. This will unlock the first armor set and the Electric Cannonball. This won’t complete the bounty though.

Meowtallica Bounty Cat Quest 3
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You must also receive a ticket to his concert. Once you have completed Cat Face Mountain and cleared the dungeon, you will receive a ticket from Meowtallica himself.

The battle is actually a little more varied than most. He will call down a curtain of electric balls which must be navigated between. Also, keep an eye out for when he pulls back his guitar. Run backward at this point to avoid the waves of lightning.

Getting this bounty will reward you with The Rocker and his second gear set in Cat Quest 3.

9. Captain Takomeowki

This is the second floating bounty you will need to find. Head north to the Sunset Isles, where you will find Takemeowki. He is floating just to the east of the island. Use your ship to attack him and his cronies. I found that kiting him out of the little cove and into open water helped a lot.

As you progress through the storyline, you will encounter him a number of times. The final battle will be in the center of the Sunset Islands once you have unlocked the gate. He doesn’t move making him very easy to attack. However, he will attack using fireballs which must be dodged. Simply step back and attack from afar with a wand and spells.

Defeating Takomeowki will give you his armor set and the Tsuri sword.

10. Pi-Rat King

The Pi-Rat king is behind a locked gate on the Furggy Islands to the southwest of the map. You can unlock this gate by destroying the ghost ship floating around the island. Once you have done this, you can take on the Pi-Rat king’s bounty in Cat Quest 3.

Again, this is similar to the rest of the bounties in Cat Quest 3. Before he strikes, he will fly up into the air. However, with this fight, he will also fire slow-moving fireballs across the arena. Take a step back in these moments. The fireballs cannot be blocked, so move away to where the gaps between them are larger and dodge. Attack during the cooldown.

This bounty will get you the Pi-Rat King set and the Death Hook weapon in Cat Quest 3.

11. Duck of Doom

This is the final bounty to collect in Cat Quest 3 and definitely the hardest. The problem with this boss is how heavy the damage is. You will need to make sure you have upgraded your ship before attempting this one. The Duck of Doom can be found floating around the west side of the map.

Duck Of Doom Bounty Cat Quest
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I used the Cursed CannonPaw and Electric CannonPaw to beat the Duck of Doom. These are great special cannonballs to use as they will track him, giving you a chance to outrun his attacks. Take your time with this, and make sure you are close to an island so you can repair your ship if it gets broken.

Attack briefly, trying to earn a special ball, fire it, then retreat, allowing Duck of Doom to attack. In the break, make your move again. This bounty will take patience in Cat Quest 3.

Once you have finally killed the hardest bounty, you will receive The Fowlmidable, which is pretty underwhelming.

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Image of Leo Gillick
Leo Gillick
Leo is a Freelance Writer for PC Invasion. He has a degree in English Literature and Film Studies and more hours buried into videogames than he cares to admit. He has worked extensively in the Videogame and Travel writing industry but, as they say, get a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. He uses his writing as a means to support indefinite global travel with the current five year plan seeing him through Latin America.