Sunset Islands Cat Quest 3 Gear Weapons Itms Locations
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Cat Quest 3 all gear locations guide: All equipment, ship blueprints, weapons, and spells

Let's collect 'em all.

Your build is everything in Cat Quest 3, so knowing where to find each piece is essential. With this guide, you should be able to pick up everything you need to become the most powerful cat on the high seas.

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All items’ locations in Cat Quest 3

I should preface this by saying that many of these items can be picked up as random drops or from chests in Cat Quest 3. A great way to level up gear is by running through the Infinity Tower. The higher you get, the higher the level of gear you will receive.

However, certain sets, such as the boss gear, must first be picked up by defeating them. Only then will you get a chance to get an upgraded version in chests and from enemies.

Where to find all gear in Cat Quest 3

Here are the various pieces of gear sets you can find in Cat Quest 3. I found that, once I had defeated Meotallika at his concert, this set, along with his Axe, carried me through the game. However, if you get sick of wading through enemies with lightning, give some of the other armor combos a chance.

Pi Rat Kings Gear Cat Quest 3
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Oinker SetDefeat Oinker in Centari Ruins.Fire damage boost.
Knight HatInfinity Tower Reward/Random Drop.Defence Boost.
Antares SetComplete Antares Tower.Arcane Damage Boost.
Arcane setTwin Castles.Arcane Damage Boost.
Patchys SetDefeat Patchy at Patchy’s Cave in Rest Beacon.Physical Damage Boost.
Meotalikas Set 1Beat Meotallika in Meowtallikas Bay.Lightning Damage Boost.
Meowtalika’s Set 2Beat Meowtalika at his concert.Additional hit for every lightning attack.
Takomeowkis SetDefeat TakoMeowki in the Sunset Isles.Fire Damage Boost.
Clawfords SetComplete Clawfords Quest in Lovepurr Castle, Lovepurr Isles.Damages nearby enemies while healing.
Dratculas SetDefeat Dratcula in Eight Bit Dungeon.Life leaches when damaging enemies.
Fishercat SetComplete all Fishing Missions for the fisherman at the north end of Straits Island.Damage boost to enemies in water.
Spicy SetComplete the Spicy Cave on Sunset Isle.Gun damage increase.
Golden SetComplete the Golden Tower in the north of Purrvania.Receive more gold.
Orion SetComplete the Orion Tower Furtigua.Lightning Damage Boost.
Pi-Rat King SetDefeat Pi-Rat King on Furggy Island. Only accessible after defeating The Undying Bounty.Delays deaths cold embrace… more damage and arcane.
Pirate SetDefeat the Pirate Boss on Furggy Island.Makes you feel like a pirate.
Ice Mage SetDefeat the Ice Mage in the Ice Pirate Hideout in the Straits.Ice defense increase.
Fire Mage Set Defeat the Fire Mage in the Fire Mage Hideout in the Sunset Isles.Fire damage increase.
Purrivateer VestRandom Chest Drop/Infinity Tower.Increases gun ammo.

Where to find all trinkets in Cat Quest 3

Trinkets can completely change up your game in Cat Quest 3. However, make sure you pay attention to the weapons, spells, and gear you’re wearing. They all pair together, boosting one another. Personally, I kept my bomb satchel on almost constantly for the extra spell damage. It even works when using healing spells.

Catthulu Cat Quest 3
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Magical PurseCode Island Rock Puzzle.20% chance to gain a free spell.
Flame CrystalFound in Fire Mage Hideout.Shoot a fireball that circles you.
NecropawniconDefeat Necromouser in Twin Castles.Reduces health to 1.
Meowtallika’s PickDefeat Meowtallika in his Concert.Fires a Lightning Bolt on the last attack of every combo.
Bomb SatchelDropped by Pigs.Throws a Bomb with every Spell cast.
Magic MilkBounty reward.Receive a full Mana crystal whenever an enemy is defeated.
Pawer MilkBounty reward.Attack faster when constantly attacking.
Lousy BootComplete the Watchcat missions.Reduces Movement Speed by 75%.
Lousy GloveComplete the Watchcat missions.Reduces attack speed by 50%.
Magical GloveEast Sunset Island Rock Puzzle.Gain more mana when attacking enemies.
Chimeowra ClawGift from MaMa Milka for completing bounties in the Milky Barrel.Perform one additional strike in a melee combo.
Magical Punching BagSandy Islands Rock Puzzle.Regain Mana when hit.
Oinker NecklaceDefeat the Oinker Boss in Centari Ruins.Increased dodge distance.
Ice CrystalFound in the Ice Mage dungeon in the Ice Pirate Hideout in the Straits.Summons icicles on the first attack in a combo.
Boar TuskDefeat the Boar King.Deal damage to enemies when you roll through them.
Warriors BraidRandom Drop.Attack while dodging for a heavy strike.
Electric CircuitRandom Drop.Fires a short-circuit on the final attack on a combo.

All weapon locations in Cat Quest 3

I liked switching up my weapons a lot in Cat Quest 3 simply because they changed the gameplay so much. I found that I could use a low-damage but high-speed wand with the teleport ability to constantly full my Mana gauge and essentially become an unstoppable force of wizardry. However, when the absolute madness of the screen started to blow my GPU up, switching to the much slower but huge damage axes was a lot of fun.

Weapons Cat Quest 3
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Deaths HookDefeat Pi-Rat King on Furggy Island. Only accessible after defeating The Undying Bounty.Performs a cursed slam on the final strike.
Patchys ClawsDefeat Patchy in Patchy’s Cave at Rest Beacon.Performs a downward thrust on the final strike.
Tri ClawsTwin Castles/ Random Drop.Performs a triple slash on the final strike.
Knight ShieldRandom Drop.Negates damage on block.
Rogue ClawsRandom Drop.Increased movement speed by 20%.
The RockerDefeat Meowtallica at his concert.Shoots lightning with every swing.
TsuraiDefeat Takomeowki in the Sunset Isles.Creates firey combos.
BloodsuckerComplete the 8-bit Dungeon in the Sunset Isles.Returns 10% of damage done as health.
Blade of OrionComplete the Orion Tower Furtigua.Regular attacks create a teleporting strike.
Oinker ShieldDefeat Oinker in Centari Ruins.Every successful block creates a fire blast.
HeartbreakerComplete Clawfords Quest in Lovepurr Castle, Lovepurr Isles.Hurts everyone around it with every block.
HeartmenderComplete Clawfords Quest in Lovepurr Castle, Lovepurr Isles.Heals everyone around it with every block.
Meowchine GunFinish Triple Treasure on Pawman Isles.Large ammo clip with fast-firing.
Arcane WandDefeat Necromouser in Twin Castles.Also shoots specters that track enemies.
Ice Wand Defeat the Ice Mage in the Ice Pirate Hideout in the Straits.Shoots Iceballs that freeze enemies.
Fire WandFound in the Fire Mage Hideout in the Sunset Isles.Shoots Fire that burns enemies.
FurlintlockTalking bush on the west of Pawt Purrcania.Fires a supershot with the last round.
Arcane WandFound in the Twin Castles.Shoots Spectars that home in on enemies.
Stave of Antares Complete Antares Tower.Casts Arcane Purrism on the final strike.
SquiderpussComplete the Spicy Dungeon on the Sunset Isles.The last shot fires a spread shot.

Where to find all spells in Cat Quest 3

If you like using spells, I would suggest using a wand to fill your Mana gauge quickly and a trinket that matches. I found I needed only one healing spell. I used Healpaw almost constantly and then loaded up with one of each element on my other three slots. Being tactical with your spells in Cat Quest 3 can really benefit your playstyle.

LightnyanSpeak to Mage Bonney at the village.Fires lighting.
FreezePawDefeat the Ice Mage.Freezes enemies.
FirepurrismDefeat the Fire Mage in the Fire Mage Hideout in the Sunset Isles.Fires fireballs.
HealpawComplete Clawfords Quest in Lovepurr Castle, Lovepurr Isles.Heals for a period of time.
LightWhiskerDefeat Orion.Creates a dome of damaging electricity.
FlamepurrDefeat the Fire Mage in the Fire Mage Hideout in the Sunset Isles.Drops fire prisms that follow enemies.
MeowteorsAwarded for defeating Antares.Rains orbs that leach health from enemies.
Furry ShieldComplete the 8-bit Dungeon in the Sunset Isles.Drops a protective shield.

Where to get all the ship upgrades in Cat Quest 3

You’ll need to collect these from the various chests and ship battles around the map. I found most of these are just random drops, with luck dictating their level. However, hunting down the bounties is a great way to ensure you end up with the best ship blueprints early on in Cat Quest 3. You’ll need them to take down the Duck of Doom.

Duck Of Doom Cat Quest 3 Ship Blueprint
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Cannon Power+Fort Purricade Chest.More cannon power.
Cannon Power++In the Centari ruins, there is a hidden chamber just before the Oinker Boss Battle. Take the stairs down to the room before the fight.Even more cannon power.
Ammo Capacity++Fort Wreck.More special shots.
Ship Hull+ Fort Tail Chest.More ship HP.
Ship Hull++Enemy Ship Drop.Even more ship HP.
Cannon ReloadSunset Islands West Rock Puzzle.Cannon reloads faster when damaged.
Cannon Reload++Random Chest Drop.Cannon reloads even faster when damaged.
Pawer BoostLonely Isle Chest.Damage enemies while boosting.
Firing Rate++Random Chest Drop.Reduces cannon cooldown by 15%.
The Fires of CathuluDefeat Catthulu in the north of the map.Fires an additional homing fireball for every special shot used.
The FowlmidableDefeat the Duck of Doom in the west of the map.Fires an additional powered cannonball for every special cannonball.
Magma CannonDefeat Boar King at the Gate.Fires three flaming cannonballs.
Super CannonPawsGiven at the tutorial of the game, and random drops.Fire one high damage, burning cannonball.
Electric CannonpawDefeat Meowtallica’s boats.Fire three, homing, electric cannonballs.
Cursed CannonpawDefeat the Undying bounty.Fire three, homing, Cursed cannonballs.

Once you have picked up any of these items, it will start to drop again with higher levels. I would suggest tackling all the Cat Quest 3 bounties as early as possible to unlock their various items and bonuses. Then, once you have them in your inventory, you can either upgrade them at the blacksmith or try your luck in the Infinity Tower.

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Image of Leo Gillick
Leo Gillick
Leo is a Freelance Writer for PC Invasion. He has a degree in English Literature and Film Studies and more hours buried into videogames than he cares to admit. He has worked extensively in the Videogame and Travel writing industry but, as they say, get a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. He uses his writing as a means to support indefinite global travel with the current five year plan seeing him through Latin America.