Beer Coaster Fallout London
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All Beer Coaster locations in Fallout London

More than just table decoration.

The Beer Coaster, or beer mats as we actually call them in the UK, are Fallout London’s version of Bobbleheads that you can collect in the base game. They are dotted around the many lovingly recreated pubs of Fallout London, adding a little bit of heartwarming nostalgia for anyone unlucky enough to have ever lived there. Here is where you can find all the Beer Coasters in the Big Smoke.

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What do the Beer Coasters do in Fallout London?

Beer Coasters Fallout London
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Like Fallout, the various beer coasters in Fallout London are collectibles that permanently boost one stat. If you’re lacking in a certain department, I suggest searching this list for where you can get the beer mat that will rectify your problems.

Where to find all the Beer Coaster locations in Fallout London

There are 30 beer mats to find around Fallout London, and the majority are in pubs. Each one will boost your stats when found, so they are well worth picking up along the way. I have split London into north and south of the river, making it easier to find the various locations.

If you’re having trouble with the loading screen and crashes, there are a number of fixes you can try.

South of the Thames

South of the river, there are 13 pubs spread across the Fallout London map. Each one has its own beer coaster, beautifully designed and ready to make you a better person.

Fallout London Beer Coaster Map South
Screenshot: PC Invasion
1ThiefSwan and Mitre pub – Head behind the bar to find this coaster on the shelf behind the beer kegImproved lockpicking and Pickpocketing.
2CombatThe Hound pub – Make your way upstairs and to the top floor. In the room on the left, you will see a desk with a computer. This beer coaster is on the desk to the left.5% increase to melee and bashing damage.
3Energy WeaponsPortugal House pub—Inside, climb the fallen ceiling and work your way around to the left. The next bar mat is on the pool table at the end.25% increase to critical damage with energy weapons.
4MedicineThe Golden Elm pub – Make your way upstairs. On the back wall, on a small table, you will find this beer coaster in Fallout London.Stimpacks heal 10% more.
5AgilityThe Bishops Toe – The next beer coaster is behind the bar, under a glass on the far side.+1 to agility.
6ThamsfolkThamshaven Market – In the room with the pool table and dartboard, you will find this coaster on the rim of the pool table.Additional 20 rad resistance.
7Big GunsThe Wellerman pub – Head into the tiny flooded door, and you’ll find the next Fallout London beer coaster in the hands of a corpse on top of a cabinet on your right.+25% critical damage with heavy weapons.
8ScienceHouseguard Gin Distillery – Go through the door to the right when you first enter. Follow the room around and drop through the hole in the floor. From here, make your way into the factory, and follow the stairs to the top of the room. Here you will find the control room and the next beer coaster on the desk.Extra guess when hacking terminals.
9MurdererMariner and Albatros pub – Find this one at the end of the bar.5% extra experience for killing enemies.
10Bash Old Cheese of Cheshire pub – Make your way up the stairs behind the curtain and stick to the right. At the end of the corridor, you should find a room with a typewriter on a desk. Beside this is the next beer coaster.Increased bash damage.
11SpeechThe Kings Nose pub – Through the door to the right of the bar, follow the path until you come to the room at the end. On the table directly in front of the entrance is the Speech beer mat.All vendors have 100 more caps to barter with.
12Chem ConnoisseurThe Tabard pub – Go behind the bar and down the stairs. In the flooded basement, you will find this beer coaster on top of a box. 5% less chance of addiction.
13LuckFour Leaf pub – Go up the stairs to the left of the bar to find this bar mat at the top of the stairs.+1 luck.

North of the Thames

If you’re traveling north of the river, make sure to visit all 17 of these pubs to collect their various unique beer coasters. In the west of the map, you can pick up five in rapid succession. Each one will give you a boost to a specific stat.

Fallout London Beer Coaster Map North
Screenshot: PC Invasion
NumberBar CoasterLocationEffect
1IntelligenceEdge of The World pub – Go up the stairs behind the bar, and you will find this bar coaster on a table. Intelligence increased by one point.
2EnduranceThe Nags pub—The kitchens are behind the bar, to the right. Head down the stairs in the kitchens to find the passkey for the terminal that is located back upstairs in the kitchen. Use the terminal to unlock the walk-in fridge and collect the next beer coaster in Fallout London.+1 endurance.
3Small GunsTottenham Court Road station – Head through the gates and down the elevator. Follow the path until you come to the tube station with tables. Make your way onto the train to find this beer mat on one of the tables.25% critical damage with ballistic guns.
4IntimidationThe Pilgrim pub – On a circular table in the middle of the room is the next beer coaster.Intimidation skill increased by 25%.
5RepairThe Plumbers Hands pub – Head up three flights of stairs to the top floor. Here, beside the computer terminal, you will find the Repair beer mat under a glass.Fusion Cores last 10% longer.
6StrengthRed Tiger pub – Head to the back room on the right of the bar. Where the ceiling has collapsed you will find this one by the corpse.+1 to strength.
7CharismaThe Drunken Wolf pub – This beer coaster is behind the bar, on the second shelf down.+1 to charisma.
8MeleeThe Liberty Spikes pub—Look in the second nook opposite the bar to find this beer mat in Fallout London.+25% damage with melee weapons.
9ExplosiveCharlie Brown’s pub – Make your way down the stairs to the left of the bar, and you will find this beer coaster on a pipe by a small workbench.+15% damage with explosives.
10HooliganThe Shipmate pub – By the coffee machine on the bar is where you will find this beer mat.Outgoing limb damage is upped by 5%.
11Lock PickingThe Coach House pub – Look behind the bar on the shelf against the wall for this beer coaster in Fallout London.Lockpicking is easier.
12PerceptionThe Blind Beggar – Head up the stairs and into the small apartment. On the kitchen surface, you’ll find this beer mat.+1 to perception.
13BarterTwo Westminster Chairmen pub – Go up the stairs to the right and double back on yourself. On a table, under a vase, is this bar coaster in Fallout London.Prices are 5% better.
14UnarmedCambridge Arms pub – You’ll find this one just sitting on the top of the bar. +25% critical unarmed damage,
15Fusion The Chosen One pub – Pick this beer coaster up from under a glass on the bar.Fusion cores last 5% longer.
16SneakThe Wolf and Port pub – Behind the bar, on the drinks shelf, you’ll find this beer mat in Fallout London.10% harder to detect.
17Carry weightCrypt on The Green – Head to the end of the room. Between the armchair and sofa you will find this beer coaster on the coffee table.+20 to carry weight.

Don’t go it alone. There are a total of seven companions to recruit along the way. Like most good friends, you can meet them in the pubs where you’ll be picking up the various Fallout London beer coasters.

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Image of Leo Gillick
Leo Gillick
Leo is a Freelance Writer for PC Invasion. He has a degree in English Literature and Film Studies and more hours buried into videogames than he cares to admit. He has worked extensively in the Videogame and Travel writing industry but, as they say, get a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. He uses his writing as a means to support indefinite global travel with the current five year plan seeing him through Latin America.