Arena Breakout Infinite Covert Ops Guide: Best strategies for fast money and gear
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Arena Breakout Infinite Covert Ops Guide: Best strategies for fast money and gear

Become the ultimate loot pinata.

The Covert Ops feature is an easy money-maker if you know what you’re doing. In our Covert Ops Guide for Arena Breakout Infinite, let me show you the best strategies for fast money and gear.

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What is Covert Ops in Arena Breakout Infinite?

You unlock Covert Ops when you reach level 5, and they are similar to Scav Runs in Escape from Tarkov. When you start Covert Ops, you’re assigned a character with a random loadout, which changes every time.

Covert Ops raids occur on regular maps, and you’ll often run into hostile players on your travels.

Your Covert Ops (Imposter) loadout is usually lacking compared to your Operator, so check what you have before engaging targets.

You don’t have any objectives, so you can use your time to scavenge the map for supplies. Once you’re satisfied, exfil from the map as usual. Covert Ops runs are risk-free as you don’t bring any of your own gear.

You can use Covert Ops between Operator runs as an opportunity to make money. As the random loadout has limitations, here are a few tips and strategies to make the most out of your runs:

How to use Covert Ops like a pro

Arena Breakout Infinite Covert Ops Guide: Best strategies for fast money and gear
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These tips and strategies are in no particular order, but everything I cover here will help you make the most of your Covert Ops runs. As many of you will be coming from other Extraction Shooters, here’s a major difference you must know about.

Scav Karma doesn’t exist

Let me start by addressing the Tarkov-shaped elephant in the room. Scav/Imposter Karma doesn’t exist in Arena Breakout Infinite. Scav on Scav violence has negative consequences in Tarkov, but that’s not a feature in this title.

With this in mind, exercise caution around other players, no matter how friendly they appear. It’s arguably a good idea to shoot first if you’re unsure, as there’s no reason not to.

There are no repercussions for killing Operators or Imposters, so feel free to go on a massacre during your Covert Ops.

Secure a backpack

Backpacks are essential to your Operator loadout, but you don’t always spawn with one in Covert Ops. You can’t carry much without a bag, so prioritize finding one when you enter the map.

You can find Bags on dead players and NPCs or in storage containers. If you find a small bag, remember that you can upsize if you find something better. It’s a drag to transfer loot from one container to the other, but the payoff is worth the trouble.

Use Militants to your advantage

The AI behaves differently from normal when playing as an Imposter. This is an important mechanic to understand, so here’s how it works.

When playing Covert Ops, you’re masquerading as a Militant, and NPCs will not shoot you. You can use your disguise to explore guarded areas safely.

If you’re near a group of NPCs, and they start shooting and shouting, they’ve likely spotted an Operator. You can use this information to take down geared players who think they are only shooting at AI.

Keep in mind that if you kill a Militant as an Imposter, the rest will attack on sight. I’m unsure if Militant aggro has a cooldown, but it’s rarely worth killing NPCs during Covert Ops unless you really want their gear.

Watch the time limit

As you have no objectives in Covert Ops, I recommend marking an Exfil point at the start and slowly making your way there. There is a time limit on every raid in Arena Breakout Infinite, and it applies to Imposter runs.

Nothing is more depressing than hauling a massive bag of goodies to the Exfil only to run out of time before you arrive. I’ve done this in Tarkov and do not want to repeat it here.

Check the bodies of fallen Operators

You may expect all player bodies to be looted, but that’s not always true. It’s worth checking any defeated players. If you hear someone die nearby, wait to see if someone comes to claim that kill and capitalize when they do.

Even if a body looks like it’s been stripped, it’s still worth checking for medical supplies. You never know what you might find in another player’s pockets.

Play Aggressively

There’s no penalty for dying or killing as an Imposter, so it pays to play aggressively. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose, so push when you hear gunfire and engage targets when you have the advantage.

Remember, none of your gear is on the line, and the rewards for Operator kills can be huge. The downside to playing aggressively is that Imposter gear is usually lacking, which brings us to my next tip.

If you frequently lose gunfights, make sure your graphics settings are optimal, and you’re not playing at a disadvantage.

Aim for the legs!

This strategy is lovingly known as “Leg Meta” in similar games. Your Covert Ops loadout can contain weak ammunition that won’t penetrate armor. The easiest way to solve this problem is to aim for your opponent’s exposed legs instead.

You can quickly kill players with well-placed leg shots. Even if they don’t die immediately, you can force your opponents to disengage and heal. Restoring damaged limbs takes a long time, so you can reposition and maintain the advantage on your immobilized target.

Cheap ammunition will still drop opponents with a headshot, but the legs are much easier to hit with sub-optimal optics and iron sights.

Sell your spoils

The Store Ab
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The easiest way to make money in Arena Breakout Infinite is to sell everything you find during your Covert Ops runs. I usually prioritize player gear, but you can fill your bags with riches without firing a shot.

While I recommend playing aggressively, it’s optional, and you can still have successful runs playing like a scavenger. If you find loot you’d be sad to lose, it’s time to head to the exfil and cash out.

There are quests to kill Imposters

Finally, this point isn’t a strategy per se, but it’s something to keep in mind. You’re potentially a target as an Imposter, and if a player doesn’t kill you for loot, they may do it to complete a quest. Eliminations are part of the Recruit’s Path missions, and you’re easy pickings with poor equipment.  

Even though Covert Ops runs are low risk, it still feels terrible to die with a backpack overflowing with loot. Don’t take deaths personally, and you’ll have a much better time with Arena Breakout Infinite.

If you’re enjoying the game and are considering splashing out on a case, make sure you know how they work before buying premium currency.

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Image of Anthony Yates
Anthony Yates
Anthony is a freelance writer for PC Invasion and has worked in the industry for four years. He's furiously competitive and is always looking for the next big multiplayer hit. Anthony thrives in high-stakes games like Escape From Tarkov and Sea of Thieves. He is also passionate about speedrunning and always looks forward to the next GDQ and ESA events. When he's not grinding leaderboards, Anthony enjoys visiting Arcades, retro gaming, and horror movies.