Steamworld Heist 2 Hats
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SteamWorld Heist 2: All hats and how to get them

You can never have too many hats.

Whether you’re taking on the challenge of collecting all 101 hats in SteamWorld 2 or just want a specific cap to cover your shiny dome, this guide serves as your one-stop shop for finding every hat in the game.

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How to get hats in SteamWorld Heist 2

From player characters to NPCs, practically every character in SteamWorld Heist 2 wears a hat. Shooting a hat off an enemy’s head will allow you to pick it up and keep it forever as long as you complete the mission. Enemies can knock your hats off, but you’ll get them back at the end of a stage.

You can also obtain hats by purchasing them in shops throughout the open seas, and a select few hats are obtained for completing missions. Need even more hats? Every Crewmember you recruit also comes with a free unique hat. There’s a lot of hats.

All 101 hats and how to obtain them in Steamworld Heist 2

A compilation image of all 101 hats in SteamWorld Heist 2
Screenshot: PC Invasion

There are 101 unique hats in SteamWorld Heist 2, and collecting them all will earn you the SteamWorld’s Next Top Model achievement. It’s a challenging task, but it’s worth it for the most impeccable drip in the Great Sea.

Crew member hats

HatCrew Member
Flop CapDaisy
A Simple ValveSola
Leather HatJudy
Spiky HairTristan
Soft Cloth HatCrowbar
Roguish AntennaPoe
A Simple BeanieBeacon

Common hats

Common hats are the default hats for every enemy type in SteamWorld Heist 2. These can be replaced with uncommon hats at random, so make sure to keep a close eye out.

Navy Soldier CapNavySoldier
Elite Soldier CapNavyElite Soldier
Machinegunner HatNavyMachinegunner
Elite Machinegunner HatNavyElite Machinegunner
Shotgunner HatNavyShotgunner
Elite Shotgunner HatNavyElite Shotgunner
Sniper GoggleNavySniper
Swordman’s HatNavySwordsman
Elite Swordsman’s HatNavyElite Swordsman
Commander HatNavyNavy Commander
Elite Commander HatNavyElite Commander
The BonaparteNavyNavy Commander (variant)
Navy Guard HatNavyGuard
Elite Guard HatNavyElite Guard
Blue Rotating BeaconNavyPatrol Bot
Heated PropellerNavyFloating Fire Bot
Recruit HatNavyRecruit
Small Spiky HelmetRattlerSwab
Cool CubeRattlerIce Swab
???RattlerIce Grenadier
Fur-Lined Seashell HatRattlerIce Machinegunner
Occult Bone ConeRattlerTotem Bearer
Occult Retribution ConeRattlerRetribution Totem Bearer
Occult Conductor ConeRattlerConductor Totem Bearer
Bull HornsRattlerBerserker
Frosty PropellerRattlerIce Skelebot

Boss hats

As the name suggests, bosses wear these hats. Typically, there are multiple bosses that share identical models and hats.

Complex Navy HatNavyVariousCommander Batterfaux
Glorious PompadourNavyLet’s Get This Parley Started (Frozen Fjord)
Piston’s Palace (East Caribbea)
“Fabio” Bosses

Unique hats

The table below contains a list of any hats I’ve encountered worn by regular units instead of their default hats. Results may vary in individual playthroughs, and this list will be adjusted as we learn more.

Pilot HatFerried Firearms (Backwater Bay)Forebot Farsight
Army HelmetFerried Firearms (Backwater Bay)Navy Unit
Safari HatRandomRandom
Floppy HatIllicit Machinations (Shiner’s Cove)Big Steve
Propeller CapLet’s Get This Parley Started (Frozen Fjord)Lord Admiral Piston
???Let’s Get This Parley Started (Frozen Fjord)Barry
Crown of ThornsBrig Gig (Titan’s Drain)
Occult Laboratory (Titan’s Drain)
Rattler Unit
Bird Nest (?)Brig Gig (Titan’s Drain)Rattler Unit
Paper Hat (?)RandomRandom
Fire HelmetRandomRandom

Vanity hats

Vanity hats can only be purchased for Gallons at specific locations. No need for violence to grab these!

Fruity HatThe Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)50
Green ScreenThe Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)50
Snorkeling GearThe Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)100
Straw HatThe Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)
Purple BandanaThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea))150
Top HatThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea))150
Magical HornThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea)150
Wicked ShadesThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea))250

Story/Mission hats

The remaining hats are all rewards for completing missions. Spoilers are ahead, so turn back if you haven’t completed SteamWorld Heist 2’s campaign yet!

Captain’s HatObtained during the main campaign
Krakenbane’s HatObtained during the main campaign
Rebellious BeretReturn to The Royal Blue after defeating Piston

Remember, if your hat flies off in battle, you can always re-equip it in a Crewmate’s menu. Always keep those steambots looking fresh.

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Image of Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas has been a writer in the games industry since 2021 and considers himself a connoisseur of all things Nintendo, Blizzard, and Marvel. Since amassing 152,000+ followers on a Facebook page about Diddy Kong with a backward hat, Thomas has become a trusted voice in the gaming community across publications such as PC Invasion, AOTF, and Gfinity. His greatest achievements include catching every Pokémon, completing (almost) every quest in World of Warcraft, and naming his dog 'Mass Effect 3.' Thomas is extraordinarily passionate about the video game industry and its community. He enjoys writing about a wide variety topics, including popular games like Destiny 2, Fortnite, and WoW, as well as the latest Indie titles.