Best Budget loadouts in Arena Breakout Infinite
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Best Budget loadouts in Arena Breakout Infinite

Move over, juicers.

Extraction Shooters are brutal when you’re strapped for cash. We all want to run around with thermal scopes and top-tier ammo, but it’s not always practical. With this in mind, here are the best loadouts to run on a budget in Arena Breakout Infinite.

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How to make a Budget Loadout in Arena Breakout Infinite

You can bring anything into a raid in Arena Breakout Infinite, but there are a few essentials you should always use to boost your survivability. The most crucial item is a backpack of some sort. You can’t make money without one and can only stuff so much in your pockets.

Next, you want basic medical supplies. Painkillers, bandages, and medical kits are essential. It’s a good idea to bring a Surgical Pack to fix breaks if you can.

I don’t need to explain why armor and a helmet are valuable, but I recommend at least wearing class 4 gear. Mid-range armor protects against a ton of cheaper ammunition and is perfect for a budget-focused player.

If you’re strapped for cash, use whatever armor you have in storage, as anything is better than nothing.

Leg Meta

Mp5 Build Ab
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Armor-piercing ammunition is expensive and only worsens if you try to keep up in the arms race. One cheeky way around the issue is to avoid dealing with armor entirely.

No matter how juiced your opponent is, their legs are always exposed and unprotected. You can use this to your advantage with a weapon and ammo combo designed for shredding flesh and bone. Here’s what you need:

Weapon, Attachments, and Ammunition

  • MP5 Micro SMG
  • MP5 50 Round Magazine (optional)
  • Ammunition: 9x19MM Dum-Dum

Other Gear

  • Backpack
  • 2x Magazines

The MP5 SMG is fantastic right out of the box and requires zero attachments. You can rock a 50-Round Drum mag, although it’s not essential and pushes the price up. MP5 iron sights are decent, and there’s no need to spend money on optics.

Dum-Dum Ammunition is the star of the show, although it doesn’t look like much at first glance. The ammo has a Level 0 Pierce rating but has a base damage profile of 77. As each leg in Arena Breakout Infinite has 65 health, you can disable a limb in a single bullet.

Keep shooting those legs, and your opponent will drop before they can even complain about their armor rating. Aiming for the legs won’t damage your opponent’s armor, so you can happily wear it yourself after the fight.

The Budget Mosin Man

Mosin Budget Ab
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If you’ve ever played Escape from Tarkov, you know how infamous Mosin Men are. The Mosin is a cost-effective rifle you can use from the shadows or a well-placed bush. Your ammo options are solid, and you can cause carnage with just a handful of rounds.

Some call it cowardice; I call it smart. Here’s everything you need:

Weapon, Attachments, and Ammunition

  • Mosin-Nagant Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Mosin Sight Extension Rail
  • 30mm Rail Sight Mount
  • 2x/7x Scope
  • Ammunition: 7.62x54MM LPS

Other Gear

  • Backpack
  • Any Pistol

The Mosin Man loadout is cost-effective but among the more expensive on the list, as you need a few attachments. The build above assumes you want a traditional Sniper Scope, but you can use the Mosin Rifle Sight Mount and Mosin Dedicated 3.5x Rifle Scope to save some cash.

I recommend a Pistol to deal with nearby threats, but you can go without if you’re careful. As this is a budget build, I’ve not included a suppressor, but it’s worth using if you have one spare.

Sniping is fun in Arena Breakout Infinite, and there are plenty of Sniper Rifle options if you want to explore the playstyle.

The Shotgun Slap

Spr310 Ab
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Shotguns are a specialist weapon, as you must play smart and get close to your targets. If you can close the distance, Shotguns are devastating, and I’ve got a simple combination that will have your opponents seething.

Weapon, Attachments, and Ammunition

  • SPR310 Shotgun
  • Ammunition: 12×70 Armor-Piercing Slug

Other Gear

  • Backpack
  • Painkillers

The Armor-Piercing Slugs are the most expensive ammunition for Shotguns, but it hardly matters when the weapon is so cheap. Bring as much ammunition as you’re comfortable with.

The SPR310 is semi-automatic and can kick out a crazy amount of damage in a split second. Once you secure a kill on an NPC, you can take their weapon as your ranged option.

A backpack is essential for gathering loot, and painkillers are great as you can use them before combat. Shotguns take a while to get used to, but the Slugs work at a deceptively long range.

Zero to Hero

Zero To Hero Ab
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You won’t win many battles with this build unless you’re a skilled gunfighter. Still, that’s not the point. The Zero to Hero loadout is focused on minimal investment, so deaths become inconsequential.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain and are guaranteed to make a profit on a successful exfil. This is also the only build on this list where you can forego the armor recommendations, but I still recommend dragging a backpack along.

Weapon, Attachments, and Ammo

  • Desert Eagle (any pistol is fine)
  • Mini Blue Laser (optional)
  • Ammunition: .44 Caliber SJHP

Other Gear

  • Backpack
  • 2x Magazines

I would love to recommend JSP Ammo, but it’s out of our price range for a budget build. The Desert Eagle slaps in Arena Breakout Infinite, even if the Gold variant overshadows our regular version.

The loadout may seem restrictive, but the idea is to collect weapons from fallen enemies. When you kill a single NPC, you get a free primary gun, and everything else you find becomes a profit.

Budget SKS

Sks Build Ab

All the builds in this list will serve you well on a budget, but they all demand a specific playstyle. The SKS is a superb all-purpose rifle you can use at any range.

We use a small list of attachments to cover the weapon’s shortcomings, and if you don’t mind a semi-automatic rifle, you can do great things with the humble SKS.

Weapon, Attachments, and Ammo

  • SKS Carbine
  • SKS Modern Integrated Polymer Stock
  • AK Compatible Rear Grip
  • Dedicated SKS Top Rail
  • EKP-8-18 Reflex Sight
  • SKS Exclusive 20-Round Clip Magazine
  • Ammunition: 7.62x39MM T45M

Other Gear

  • Backpack
  • 2x Magazines

The SKS usually comes with a 10-round magazine, but you have more wiggle room with the 20-round option, so it’s worth the money. The Integrated Polymer Stock lets us use an Optic, but you can go even cheaper and just use the default if you’re desperate.

This rifle is a workhorse, and the SKS platform is customizable enough to work with any budget. You won’t be nuking any chads with T45M ammo, but it’s cheap and effective for most targets.

If you’re going to use the Mosin Man or Budget SKS build, make sure your graphics settings are dialed in to pinpoint those long-distance foes.

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Image of Anthony Yates
Anthony Yates
Anthony is a freelance writer for PC Invasion and has worked in the industry for four years. He's furiously competitive and is always looking for the next big multiplayer hit. Anthony thrives in high-stakes games like Escape From Tarkov and Sea of Thieves. He is also passionate about speedrunning and always looks forward to the next GDQ and ESA events. When he's not grinding leaderboards, Anthony enjoys visiting Arcades, retro gaming, and horror movies.